Only Yodm3D is not really cute like Shock 4way 3D. By the way you can use them together in one time. Only there will be a bit confuse when shifting desktop. Maybe you will know what i mean when you get use to it. I'm not using them together, because of confusing matter and use more RAM. Usually i use a combination of Yodm3D + Winflip or Shock 4way 3D + Winflip at once.
These two desktop enhancement software have pros and cons, and depends on your own taste. So to know better which one will suit you, you must try both of them and consider yourself. To download Yodm3D like i told at my previous post, go to http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13915
And to download Shock 4way 3D, go to http://shock-4way-3d.en.softonic.com
And to download Shock 4way 3D, go to http://shock-4way-3d.en.softonic.com
Shock 4way 3D demo video
All the best. Peace and justice for all :)
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All the best. Peace and justice for all :)
Related post :
CubeDesktop pro 1.3.1 vs Deskspace 1.5.4
My Windows XP now looks like Windows 7, Linux Ubuntu and MacOs
Desktop enhancement
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