Just name a boring or dangerous job; somewhere, a robot is probably doing it. Robot do not know the meaning of exhaust, boring, dissapointed, angry and so on but just fill it with power (battery or something) and it will work for you. It also will not disobey, objects and gives comment to your controlling so far. But maybe in the future there are robots that have feelings and can argue with humans, who knows right?
As mechanical workers, robots are ideal for jobs requiring repetitive, precise movements. Human workers need a comfortable working environment, salaries, coffee breaks, sleep, and vacations. Robots don’t. Human workers get bored doing the same thing over and over, boredom that leads to fatigue and costly mistakes. Robots don’t get bored.
Robotic Arm arranging chocolates in boxes. Photo courtesy of Adept Technology, Inc. |
Ninety percent of robots work in factories, and more than half are at work making automobiles. Car factories are so highly automated that most of the human workers are there mainly to supervise or maintain the robots and other machines. Robots assemble car body panels and weld them together, finish and paint the car bodies, and stack and move partially completed cars.
Another example of a factory job done by robots is arranging chocolates in boxed assortments. Guided by a computer vision system, a robotic arm can locate a piece of chocolate on a moving conveyer belt, gently pick it up and turn it to the proper orientation, then deposit it in a specific location within a box on another moving conveyer belt. Sure, it’s a task that almost anyone could do. . .but could you do it 20,000 times over the course of an eight-hour shift?
Robots are being put to a wider variety of manufacturing uses each day. In the computer industry, robots solder tiny wires to semiconductor chips. "Pick and place" robots insert integrated circuits onto printed circuit boards; these are used in all kinds of electronics, from radios to microwaves. Robots are also at work making and packaging drugs, textiles, and foods.
Certain dangerous jobs are best done by robots. Bomb disposal is one of these. Guided remotely using video cameras, robots like the Mini-Andros can be sent to investigate–and defuse–possible bombs.
Robots also venture into dangerously polluted environments, such as chemical spills and radioactive "hot zones" in nuclear power plants. Robug III is a spider-like robot specially designed to explore areas where extreme radiation would quickly kill a human. The need for a robot like Robug III was made clear during the Chernobyl accident in 1986. An explosion and fire ripped apart a nuclear reactor and released dangerous radioactive material into the air, making rescue and containment work nearly impossible.

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