There are so many evidences now founded everywhere in this world of Allah's name. And it's a truth and prove what Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful said in The Quraan, "We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?" [Al Quran, Surah Al Fusshilat : 53]

"When the sky is rent asunder, and it becomes red like ointment." [Al Quraan : Surah Ar Rahmaan - Verse 37]

These all just what was recorded by cameras and going publicity, but there are lots more that was not recorded and still mystery out there. And Allah is The Al Knowing .......
Read also
From the tiniest to the biggest
Secret of Mecca and the number 1.618 video
Proves that AlQuran is from the Creator of the universe
Name of Allah everywhere videos
Photos from various sources
Read also
From the tiniest to the biggest
Secret of Mecca and the number 1.618 video
Proves that AlQuran is from the Creator of the universe
Name of Allah everywhere videos
Baby born with the word Allah from Koran (AlQuran) appeared on his skin
Photos from various sources
Kalimah Allah yang Agung..
That's unbelivable!!!
Thanks for sharing this pictures.
I am a woman who prayed a lot for
god. I have similar sign on my right knee. it's writen with veins "for god".lilah in arabic.
Salaam. MasyaAllah, that;s incredible, you are so lucky to have it, alhamdulillah. Jazaakilahi khoir :)
Subhanallah... La ilaha ilahhah...
alam pun menunjukan kebesaran-Nya..
Maka nikmat tuhan manakah yang kau dustakan..???
Esselamü aleyna ve ala ibadillahissalihin.
Subhanallahi teala ammü yüsrikun.
Yusebbihu lehu mafissemavati vel'ard ve hüvel azizul hakim.
La ilahe illallah muhammedun resulullah.
Esselamü aleyna ve ala ibadillahissalihin.
Subhanallahi teala ammü yüsrikun.
Yusebbihu lehu mafissemavati vel'ard ve hüvel azizul hakim.
La ilahe illallah muhammedun resulullah.
shukriya dost......allah is great....allh subhanahu va tala....laailaha illalahu muhammadur rasululllah
Wow thats amazing and thanks ofr the pictures.
Wow Itz unbeliveble
After seeing these images I converted to muslim
Anonymous: Salaam. Alhamdulillah i'm very happy for you. may Allah bless u and your family and live happily forever, jazaakallahu khoirol jazaa' , amiin. :)
tawakalthu Alallah
The Islam is full of Miracles! These photo's are signs that Allah really exists. But when you show the pictures to the Kaffirs, They'll say the pictures are photoshopt..
(my English isn't that good, I hope you, my brothers and sisters, will understand my comment)
Thesee are just part of the miraacles of Allah, more are yet to come. Islam is the one and only TRUE religion. They are so many signs!!!!!!!!!
wow wow wow!!!!!!!
at first i was having trouble believing in Allah. now i have true faith and will work on becoming a better muslim. jazakumallahukharin who ever posted these pictures.
-a salam-mu-alaikum :)
Allah is great, If we muslim deeply see arround us, then we will be pround on our religion Islam, Thanks to my Greatest Allah subha nahu tallah,
Even though the un-muslim people see these evidence they don't agree, they are or act like that they are blind, May allah Show all of us the way of HIDAYAT.
99% of these pictures are false, they have been edited in some way. and some of them does not even show Allah name.
why would Allah put his name inside a tomato or eggplant.
is your faith so weak to look for a proof for God's existence to look for His name on sea waves! why are you so insecure! don't you have enough proofs already??
you make people make fun of islam, they fake photos and circulate them so that ppl like you will publish them "everywhere" and make a joke of yourselves.
get a life!
Salaam. Aza said 99% are fake. So please prove that they are fake. Even the first picture is taken by me , myself. And the second one is at Universiti Darul Iman Terengganu, near my place, you can go and watch your self my dear.
And about the fingers, the nebula, and couples more, how can you say them fake? because they are proved.
You say non muslim make joke of these pictures?? you must know, unfaith person always make joke at faith person, in every situation, not just in this matter.
So please tell us who you really are dear Aza? :)
You must know Aza, unfaith person will not believe all these, except got a guidance from Allah. But these are for those who have faith, to strenghen our faith, because human is weak. The iman always rise and down.
And this not mean we don't have faith if we don't see these photos. But this is among the prove to human. They want to believe or not depends on them, Islam will not force anyone. Islam is a religion of peace. So open your mind :)
And what about the sign on our hands? And what about the arabic number on our hands? Do you still want to deny them Aza?? :D
La Illaha Illa Allah,
These are absolute miracles.
Ones who say they are fake should not be looking at them as the believers will allways believe and no one will change this.
Assalam o alaeikon
SUBHANALLAH WA ALHAMDLIALLAH WA LA ILAHA ILAH ALLAH, ALLAH HU AKBAR WA LIALLAH HU ALHAMD. Those who believe in these signs and take heed and INSHA ALLAH all of u will, i hope your iman is stregthened and you show others what you have seen so that they may also take heed, and as for those who deny, especially if u are muslim(AZA) i sincerely hope u repent and ask ALLAH to show u the way and strengthen your iman because ALLAH said that his signs will be clear for those who believe and if the signs arent clear for you, id be worried!! but anyway i wish you all success in this dunya and akhira at the highest level.
SUBHANALLAH WA ALHAMDLIALLAH WA LA ILAHA ILAH ALLAH, ALLAH HU AKBAR WA LIALLAH HU ALHAMD. Those who believe in these signs and take heed and INSHA ALLAH all of u will, i hope your iman is stregthened and you show others what you have seen so that they may also take heed, and as for those who deny, especially if u are muslim(AZA) i sincerely hope u repent and ask ALLAH to show u the way and strengthen your iman because ALLAH said that his signs will be clear for those who believe and if the signs arent clear for you, id be worried!! but anyway i wish you all success in this dunya and akhira at the highest level.
its quite interesting but hey we can al use our imagination wid anyting its all about brain's selectivity
Can the same not be said anywhere you see two straight lines crossing for christianity... this is too far fetched; any squigly lines you see, you immidiately think it is saying Allah... relax!
On the mirror Allah is written on my ass fork when I put my left hand on my hip. That's quite a miracle..
Please be cool and don't make a havoc here. This is not a place to quarrel, i'm sorry. May Allah give you all guidance. Have a nice days ahead :)
asallamoalikum warah matullahi wabarakatuhu..
thzz alot for these pictures you know true muslim are those who knws that argumenting is wrong coz muslim momin has all the answers if you are muslim then pictures or not you ahve faith and in islam iman is to belive in the unseen ALIF LAM MIM ZALIKAL KITABU LA RAIBAH FIL...BIL GHAIB surah baqarah first ayah....
i hope that allah show guidance to all of you and to others to think a litlle abut their own religion..
LAKUM DINUKUM WALIYADIN..I have your religion and i have my religion salam
ok, i bet half of this is photoshop, the other half squigly lines. If there was really a God or Allah or Budaa or what ever there would only be one faith. not a bunch. What kind of a god would let his children suffer and die over a dispute about what faith is correct ??? not one that i am willing to believe in
dear 'anonymous' right above me.... the religions of god are all one.... its the peoples' failure to recognize this and to give up their ways and accept a newer, more complete revelation. this very pattern is seen everywere: jews, christians, and even muslims refuse to accept that there revelation is not the last. how does it make sense that an all loving god that always wants the best for his children would ever say, ok you guys are on your own from now on. ever religion has its time, and after its time passes, it must turn to the next chapter in god's ever unfolding plan.
Peace and hi all. Life is a test from God
"Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion; and He over all things hath Power. He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving" - Surah Al-Mulk, verse 1 - 2
Read full chapter here
People will always see what they want to see. I wish you all the best with your faith.
subhanallah, may whoever made this website be blessed a thousandfold, for he has strengthened my iman and faith in allah. allah is everywhere!!!! my god reward you in many ways :)
Subahn Allah
Assalamo alaykom
the eggplant is true because i found 2 rocks with same shape one of them is clear number one and other one is number one (in old arabic way from andalousia time) with bismi ALLAH on it ..and its totally natural because its volcano rocks you cant fake one :).
MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU GUYS..keep on..(for those whom doesnt beleive in ALLAH they maybe beleive in GOD which IS ALLAH :D)...take care
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا إله إلا الله و الله أكبر
أستغفر الله
I was in Arafah last year during Haj time, we saw kalimah Allah 'Lailahaillah' in cloud forms above us. There were more than 50 women pilgrims during that time. And i believed many more saw that forms.
Salaam. Subhanallah, that was a blessed bro / sis. Alhamdulillah. Any of you capture the photo of it?
Thanx , jazaakumullahu khoirol jazaa' :)
ALLAH is the Greatest of all
May ALLAH give life and death full of IMAAN
Islam is present in our hearts and also in mind, it give the prove for every man that Allah is one, nothing except Allah ....... In Islam our Ibadat starts from prayers and prayer starts from WAZU, and many non muslim scientist have researched on WAZU and have been Muslims, and i think no one intelligent than scientist, so ask why they have been muslim because the Islam is religion of piece ....
Ramadan Mubarak, brothers & sisters... May Allah Ta'Ala give you the forgiveness & guideness!
The One Who guides.
The One Who forgives a lot.
Dear person who haz posted this,
i would like to thankyou for these beautiful sights. But on a picture of a man in a car and alla's names are shoting out i dont understand that one and i dont see the cow it okayif ucan tell me where ALLAH'S name is really? OH and most of these pics r true espcially the branches on it is a miracle!!! :) subhanaallah!
Salaam. dear Anonymnous, i don't think there is a picture of a man in a car here. But there is a picture of kids in the car :D the name of Allah is at the lights, there are many of them at the background
And one more thing, there is no cow picture also. Sorry, maybe i'm not getting your meaning here. thanx and baarokallahu lakum :)
Masha Allah kan . Allahoma sale ala Muhammad wa alehi walhamdulellah.
assalam malikum wa rahmatullah wa barkathu
im so glad to see beautiful pictures...subhanallah they were simply a converted muslim.....may allahs blessings be on every one...ALLAHUAKBAR
Mashallah Great Collection.
The answer to those who do not believe in Allah's signs is given right at the top of this page:
We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?" [Al Quran, Surah Al Fusshilat : 53].
IF this proof is not sufficient, then no other proof will be sufficient for the non believers. May Allah Guide them to the right path.
Subhan Allah
Subhanalloh.. this is the signs of Alloh. Why we deny him?
Allahu Akbar, Allah büyük!!!!!!!!
This tells everything. Nothing have to add,
everthing is clear.
You said fake? The top photo is taken by me. University Darul Iman is near my place, come here to see for yourself.
The fourth photo is taken by my Flickr friend
And see for yourself on your own hand, and look carefully to NASA's pictures of supernova,
And so on .......
So what PROVE do you bring to say they are FAKE? Don;t ever accuse without PROVE, avoid FITNAH my dear
may God give you guidance . Peace and justice for all :)
After seeing the pictures, I said Allah is Great, Jesus is Holy, Shiva is Auspicious etc...But think open-midedly..... oh brothers and sisters... God/Allah/Shiva/Jesus merely showing us signs that God is in everything, let it be in nature, animals, plants and human beings. "Oh... human see me as One in everything Living Soul/Entity, respect each other always, and live HAPPILY ....HELP EVER HURT NEVER. "Please do not sacrifice Me in the name of God, and fill your taste bud." Peace..peace..peace upon all of u.
Oh Allah, please do not forsake me!
Kita semua ada tuhan.Tetapi kita mesti bersihkan diri dulu.Kalau sekadar sebut nama tuhan tetapi melakukan kejahatan tidak berguna juga.
ambok demo
theres only 1 god, almighty allah that create the whole universe include us
"there no god except allah"
very nice pictures..subhanallah!!
Subhan allah
Allah hu Akbar
just say
thanks 4 shering pic
Alla huakbar
Assalam Walaikum
Thanks for showing those pictures, ALLAH SUBHANUTALLAH IS Showing these images for those,who are not believe in ALLAH, SO on the Day Of Judgement, they can't say ALLAH that nobody in the World is showing us the Path of ALLAH, That is why ALLAH SUBHANUTALLAH showing these images,so they can't say that noboby showing us this Path. After death every human being is appearing in front of ALLAH.
Those who are not believing in ALLAH,THEY Should embrase ISLAM & READ QURAN, You will know the truth & MAY ALLAH GIVE HIS BLESSING TO EVERY HUMAN BEING SO HE WILL EMBRACE ISLAM.
blog seperti ini yang sangat positif membuat kita sadar akan kebesaran allah swt.
Allah Maha besar, ampuni aku....
lailaha illa allah, muhamad rasullullah..
Salam..saya ada foto yg saya ambil dari kebun saya ketika sya menebas semak samun utuk tujuan pembersihan. Allahuakbar! saya ternampak sarang labah2 yg tertulis nama Allah..Alhamdulillah..bersyukur dpt melihatnya. sapa2 yg berminat bley email saya
syukur ALLAH sentiasa menunjukan KEBESARAN-NYA. kenapa ade yg masih nk mempersoalkan lagi.
mashallah belive in allah the most benificent n merciful...
thanks for sharing this photos. people should preach their own religion and respect others religion. Nothing to fight in the name of religion.
Subhanallah...biasa la bro seeing to believing or believing to seeing...may ALLAH guide us all the way....PANJI HITAM UFUK TIMUR...ALLAHUAKHBAR
In the name of ALLAH who is the most beneficent and merciful ALLAH O AKBAR.
My e-mail
sungguh indahnya kbesaranmu..
Sigs are everywhere.... ppl just need to stop for a minut ...use they brain..think logically and will understand that ISLAM is the true religion..... ALLAHU EKBER.
SUBHANALLAH. All the creatures in the universe doing pray(tasbih) of ALLAH (SWT). In the Quran pak ALLAH said in SURAH REHMAN "Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny"?. So all the non muslims know very well who is the creator of this universe. This picture are small prove.
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