Moon on a tree -- Bulan di atas pokok
A photo manipulation. Landscape location is in kampung Banggol Tuan Muda, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. There are a few unique bare trees there.
Composite images, Landscape Photo manipulation, Digital artwork
Photos, images, pictures, graphics and wallpapers
Photo manipulation
awesome image.. that tree in the foreground adds to the artistic compo. well done. very unique indeed!!!
cantik sangat pic ni.kat mana ambik pic ni?
Mumy : Shot ni kat kampung Kubang Jela, K. Trg .
Thanx :)
Tok guru ttap mantap...
amboi ..abg ANA terus hilang eh...
tp ttp dapt nengok disini...
wa'alaikumussalaam w.b.t....... ANA x hilang, cuma menyepikan diri dari FB je huhu. Syukron di atas ingatannya boh ;)
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