Scientists believed earth's atmosphere came from outer space

The Earth's atmosphere and oceans which gave rise to life came from outer space probably on the back of meteorites or comets, scientists now believe.

Previously it was thought that the gases and minerals were locked deep within the Earth's crust and only released in huge volcanic eruptions.

But now researchers have proved that they must have come from outer space billions of years after the Earth was first formed.

Dr Greg Holland, of the University of Manchester, said: "We found a clear meteorite signature in volcanic gases. From that we now know the volcanic gases could not have contributed in any significant way to the Earth's atmosphere.

"The atmosphere and oceans must have come from somewhere else – possibly from a late bombardment of gas and water rich materials similar to comets."

Dr Holland and colleagues, whose findings are published in Science, tested volcanic gases to uncover the new evidence.

They found that they had chemical fingerprints matching that of meteorites rather than the inner Earth.

The techniques enabled the researchers tiny quantities of volcanic gases Krypton and Xenon which revealed a chemical fingerprint matching that of meteorites.

Soon after it formed, the Earth's core was enveloped by an ocean of magma. Intense bombardment by meteorites combined with the core's heat to turn rocks into gases.

Within a few million years, a thick, dense atmosphere formed, even though a large portion of it was probably expelled by the gigantic impact that created the Moon 4.4 billion years ago.

Professor Chris Ballentine of The University of Manchester, the project director, said: "Many people have seen artist's impressions of the primordial Earth with huge volcanoes in the background spewing gas to form the atmosphere.

"We will now have to redraw this picture."

Via - Telegraph

Quran and science

"In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky, by which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind - and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there are Signs for people who use their intellect." AlQuran - Surah al-Baqara : 164

"We did not create heaven and earth and everything between them to no purpose. That is the opinion of those who are disbelievers." AlQuran - Surah Saad : 27

"Do those who are disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not have faith?"  AlQuran - Surah al-Anbiya' : 30

"It is We Who have built the universe with (Our creative) power, and, verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it." AlQuran - Surah adh-Dhariyat : 47

"He to whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly." AlQuran - Surah al-Furqan : 2

"Among His Signs is that heaven and earth hold firm by His command." AlQuran Surah ar-Rum : 25



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