Cow Was Abducted By UFO in Argentina

A couple traveling along the river in the area north of Rosario claimed having seen an animal being abducted by UFO. "Later, the both vanished," they said.

The likelyhood that cows could fly was always relegated to the province of the impossible. But to Sergio and Laura, this changed last Monday afternoon, when they traveled along the coast near Puerto Gaboto, and believed that they saw a cow in the sky, abducted by a flying saucer.

The couple told the story to journalist Guillermo Brasca in a report transmitted by the Telenoche program on Channel 3. They provided photos which are not entirely clear, but which show the alleged UFO and what would appear to be a cow in flight.

"We went to have some mate (Argentinean tea) with the kids, we were looking at the island and we were surprised to see some strange white thing flying. It was large. We made a close up with the camera and it was a cow flying, and above it, there was something like a flying saucer suspended in the air (some of the photos accompany the report). It wasn't a helicopter or an airplane," said Laura. The woman added: "It seemed as if the cow was being sucked up by the flying saucer. Then they both vanished. I want to believe that's what it was. To me, it was a UFO. I experienced it."

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