Free online currency converter

Wanna know about current foreign exchange rate on the spot? I found out that this website is really good for you who always want to know about foreign exchange. provide FXconverter, a multilingual currency converter for over 164 currencies and 3 metals. It uses daily OANDA Rates®, the touchstone foreign exchange rates used by corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms, and financial institutions. These filtered rates are based on information supplied by leading market data contributors.

You can also register as a member to get a code of the tool to use on your own website, but it is so fussy to setup. I don't recommend it unless your website is really commited in foreign exchange. The convert session is so easy by using their tool. Just choose from what currency to what currency, put amount to convert and done!

This tool is so important not only for Forex trader, but also for those who make money online that get money in foreign currency value. So we can determine which time is most suitable to convert our money with getting a good value in exchange.

Click the link below to convert the currency now

Free currency converter



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