Fractals Abstracts gallery 6 [Wallpapers]

fractal wallpaperSilver rider

Noble heart

Satin style

Classic mood



fractals abstract wallpaper - deep meditationDeep meditation

fractals wallpaperWall of fractals

fractals abstract wallpaperGood deeds

fractals abstract wallpaperChrome dimension

Continue to Fractals abstracts gallery 7

See also Fractals abstracts gallery 5

Fractal Wallpapers, Fractal gallery, Abstract Wallpapers


Thumbs up hon!! The chrome dimension is unique alrite. Good job done..Four only this time??? Hmmm...

Salaaam. TQ, tapi kan, yang ni x yah thumb up2 laa, pasal ambe guna software lain ni, dan software ni memang ada bentuk2 standard gitu, cuma ubah sikit jer keh3

Camne SPC, ada yang berminat? :D Rajin awak ke sini yerr, terima kasih batang keladi, lain kali datang banyak kali lagii ....... Yer kali ni 4 saja, pasal 6 lagi tersangkut kat Kemaman, tayar bas bocor :D

salaaammmm... hmmmmm untuk fractal 6 ni mungkin masih dibayangi oleh fractal 5..huhuhu macam elaboration dr beberapa fractal 5 sket laaaa...
but anyway good effort..huhuh

i like fractal 5 more...they have their own identity for each of them....just my opinion laaaa....
k....cau cincauuuuu....huhuhu....

Salaam SFR. Serupa tapi tak sama kan kan kan? Untuk orang cam kita ni, fuhh berpeluh gak nak buat fractals ni. Klau tak kreatif, camtu camtu gak fractals kita. Hee..

Kita tunggu lah tuan Forumer kita nya next change or coming soon.. Harap2 BOX OFFICE...(sengeh sikit tuan rumah)

Salaam. Hhhmm bayangan dari fractal 5 eh? Lamak tang mana bayangan tu yer, maybe cara susun letak la tu kut. Actually maybe kerana saya pun dah kehabisan idea ni huhu. Dan dalam proses untuk mengubah selera pulak, still dunno after this i will make what, whether 3d, or abstract, or 3d plus fractals, or else :-?

Neway thanx for all comments. And i know there are lots of people download the wallpapers. So for those who download them, don;t be shy to comment here k hehe

ha ah..kan kan kan... mmglah tak sama..serupa pun tak...tapi ada bayang..heheheh

tapikan... kalau sy yang buat kan kak (eh camne sy tau anonymous ni kak ek??hmmm?? heheheh :P) rase peluhpon takkuar..sebab tak gerak ape2pun..nataaap jelah kat komputertuh jawabnye...hehehehe

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