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Digital Matte Painting Wallpapers, Composite images
Digital Composite
Photo manipulation
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WOW that's very nice arts work my friend.
And The discription for the wallpaper "Lost City" is also show the feelings of the arts.
impressive my friend.
I saw you have Google page rank 4 . when google update page rank any new info ?
Congratulation on your achive GPR 4 well done my friend you deserved it.
Whuuhh...Power!!!!. I like your 'Ancient Library' akhi. Like out of the history books.. Not that i care much for history though...huhuhu.. And your 'City and galaxy' tu... hmmm.. cam pernah nampak jer.. some of the skylines tu... very familiar seh.. Negri mane tu ek?? Cuba teka... But overall simply awesome akhi.. awesome.. Medium rare.. Well done!!! (wide grin)
Alhamdulillah...makin manthoppp!!!!
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