Wah Forumer... I love the wallpaper.. pandai lah you guna all the software.. bravo... eh boleh download and guna ke wallpaper ni??
Hehe kak Lady Java pn suka eh, alhamdulillah, ble je dload kak, klik je gambar untuk perbesarkan and then right click and save as ;)And thanx all for comments, all the best to u .......
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Wah Forumer... I love the wallpaper.. pandai lah you guna all the software.. bravo... eh boleh download and guna ke wallpaper ni??
Hehe kak Lady Java pn suka eh, alhamdulillah, ble je dload kak, klik je gambar untuk perbesarkan and then right click and save as ;)
And thanx all for comments, all the best to u .......
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