How to add jpg, gif and other images to 3D Studio Max

Editing images with Adobe Photoshop is fun, but applying to 3D Studio is more fun because you can make it more 3ds. And more variety concept can be applied to our edited image. This is how to add images like jpg, gif, bmp and so on into 3D Studio Max.

- First, open your 3D Studio Max program.
- Create a plane
- From menu Rendering, choose Material Editor
- From the menu Material, choose Get Material
- From the list of material, double click Bitmap
- Now you can browse for your choice of images
- Open it, and then you can apply it to the plane that you create.

And if you want to put images directly to sphere , box or other shapes, follow direction below;

- In the Material Editor, select one of the material.
- Go to Blinn Basic Parameters
- At Diffuse section, browse for the image
- From Material Editor list, double click Bitmap
- Find your image

Hope this will help. All the best :)


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