Guest book

Please leave comments if you have downloaded any pics, have any idea about the pics, and also if you have any suggestions and requests . Thank you very much and have nice days  :)

Photos, images, pictures, graphics and wallpapers



These are wonderful! Thank you so much for posting them. You are very talented!

hello neezhom,
wonderful and awesome works!
what camera and lenses do you use? and techniques incl post processing, if you care?


very good website, I think I'm gonna add it to my Blogroll

nanny : Thank you buddy!

My present gear is:

1 - Sony Alpha 200 camera body with kit lense (usually for landscaping)
2 - Sigma macro telephoto 70-300mm lense (usually for birding, portrait, telephoto and macro)
3 - Raynox DCR250 Macroscopic lense (to magnify subjects)
4 - Sunpak PZ42X speedlight flash.
5 - Triopo tripod (usually for landscape)

Post processing in Adobe Photoshop CS3

ElytraGJ : Thanks to you too buddy. I added your link too here

Have lovely days ;)

A great blog with a collection of great works here...wouldn't miss it for anything.

There is so much passion in all your pieces Neezhom. You truly have a natural and creative talent.Someone with impeccable taste. I am in awe.

Just keep them coming ma dear. Thank you for sharing.

you have a collection of great works here.

SubhanAllah. Wohhhhh.. Banyak lagi rupanya koleksi tok guru ANA kita kat sini yer.

Teruja menikmati gambar2 awak ni tau. Memang benar2 memaparkan keunikan dan keindahan ciptaan Allah. Terima kasih awak. Suka sesangat terutama sekali gambar2 close up dan landscape.

Teruskan berkarya. Semuga Allah mempermudahkan kerja2 awak dan semuga Allah membalasnya dengan segala keberkahan dan rahmat Nya.

TQ very much Bonesteak and RIndu Alam, really appreciate. All the best to you eh :)

Fuyooooo...memang mengujakan sekali Boh!!! Kenangan bersama Sony alpha yang terbaik nim. Semuga ada new gear soon, dan koleksi baru yang lebih mengancam. TERPESONA is my word for today.
(amber masih terkial kial nak susun page, try template yg dia org buat, sumer macam dok best hu hu) Ke kena bertukar ke picworld gop?..he he he apa-apapun keep up the great work ANA. aminnnn kat doa Rindu di atas itu...;)

I followed your link from, and glad I did. Enjoyed your great pics of amazing insects! Thanks, I'll be back.

Thanks Jen! and i read the discussion in that forum, where the admin gave link to here. Thanks to him/her too

have nice days and you are always welcome buddy :)

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