Couple who share their bed with a deer

4-year-old Dillie was rescued by vet from Ohio Dr Melanie Butera, 48, after she was abandoned by her mother and weighed just 1.8kg (4lb) that time.

Dillie is a very quick learner as Dr Butera and husband Steve discovered. "This became apparent to us when we came home one day and couldn’t find her downstairs," she said. "We walked upstairs and found her standing on our bed with our dog."

Dillie started sharing the Buteras’ bed with their dog Lady. "It was quite a cute get-together," said Dr Butera. "Steve liked the way Dillie warmed his feet up when she lay on them."

"I hope they have a king size bed, it’s sounds a bit cramped."  Dillie the friendly deer really is one of the family. She knows how to turn lights on and off, gets ice.

The deer has the run of their estate but is too domesticated to return to the wild and wears a GPS collar.

Dillie’s favourite treat is pasta followed by ice cream and coffee, topped off with frozen ice shavings. "We just love her to bits," said Dr Butera.

Via - Metro

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