Secret of the pyramids

pyramids picture
Do you believe those pyramids are built by men? Maybe yes maybe not. It's still remain a mystery even there are scientists proved that they are built by men. But some scientists also say they're not built by men. Maybe aliens or something else. But who are aliens? Are they come from other planets? My theory is they are not from other planet, but they live here too, only in other dimension. They are genie / jin ....... Maybe men built pyramids, but, with the help and technology of those creatures .......

Whatever, let us watch the videos below and decide yourselves.

Did Aliens build the pyramids?

Secret Of The Pyramids - Part 1/2

Secret Of The Pyramids - Part 2/2

Great Pyramid Mystery Solved?

Did aliens build the pyramids? 1 of 3

Did aliens build the pyramids? 2 of 3

Did aliens build the pyramids? 3 of 3

How to build a pyramid?

Secret of the pyramids


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